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Reducing Gun Violence

On March 18th, United Power mobilized 492 members to launch their campaign for accountability to reduce gun violence at Chicago Sinai Temple in Chicago.  Public officials present to show support for United Power's campaign were:  Governor Quinn, Senate President Cullerton, Congresswoman Schakowsky, Congressman Schneider, State Senator Kotwoski, State Representative Ford, Alderman Moore, Alderwoman Smith, Oak Park Village President Pope.
The campaign, dubbed, “Do Not Stand Idly By” from Leviticus 19:16 (“You shall not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor”), the campaign will follow a dual strategy of supporting a variety of state and federal legislation that will help curb gun violence while also leveraging relationships with others to persuade gun manufacturers and sellers to make and follow a Help-Us-Curb-Gun-Violence Pledge.