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United Power Leadership

Strategy Team:

United Power’s Executive Committee is made up of 20 to 30 primary leaders from United Power member organizations and acts as the primary leadership and decision-making body of the organization.  The strategy team meets at minimum 4 times annually (one per quarter) and more often if needed. Leadership on the strategy team is diverse and rotating.  Each member will serve three year terms, with option of renewal; 2 consecutive term limits.

Strategy team leaders are primary leaders in their organizations.  Primary leaders can organize 25+ leaders, deliver dues from their institution, attend national IAF training (or regional 5-day), participate in at least one issue team, sets and supports the organization’s annual goals around action, identifying and engaging new leaders and fundraising.

The lead organizer reports to and is accountable to the strategy team.


Strategy Team:

  • DiAne Boese, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
  • Nick Brunick, Ascension Catholic Church, Oak Park
  • Clark Craig, Progress Center for Independent Living, Forest Park
  • Susan Drucker, Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim, Deerfield
  • Richard Fung, St. James Catholic Church, Arlington Heights
  • Alec Harris, Chicago Sinai
  • Oussama Jammal, Mosque Foundation, Bridgeview
  • Dennis Ryan, Southwest Organizing Project, Chicago
  • Rev. Jay Risk, St. Mary’s Episcopal, Park Ridge
  • Richard Townsell, Lawndale Christian Development Corporation
  • Yvonne Smith, St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Evanston


The Strategy team will appoint officers:  President, Secretary, Treasurer. It handles a range of mainly administrative dues, such as overseeing the budget, dues collection, personnel matters and compliance with state and federal audits and filings.  

Issue Teams and Geographic Assemblies:

Issue teams are created and disbanded by the Strategy Team, to which they report. They craft and execute campaigns around issues such as health care, housing and immigration. In addition, United Power organizes clusters of institutions to work on more local issues when needed.